The quality of the water coming from the spring is ensured by meticulous checks along the entire supply chain. The constant checks guarantee intact organoleptic properties and the purity of water that is suitable for everyone, even for newborns.


Chemical analyses are carried out by the laboratory at the University of Pavia. Data updated to 21.12.2022.


Verna mineral water is ideal for satisfying the body’s daily needs, even the youngest (in cases when breastfeeding is not possible, Verna Natural Water is suitable for preparing food and feeding newborns). Low in sodium, it’s the ideal for all age groups.


Medical Specialist in Pneumology, Pharmacology and Hydrology.

He works at the Policlinico S. Orsola Malpighi in Bologna. A profound connoisseur of problems related to the world of water, a former professor at the Specialization School of Hydrology at the University of Pavia, he is the President of the “Water Resource” Association and a member of the “International Water Academy” of Oslo.

We have asked a water expert, Professor Alessandro Zanasi, what the main characteristics of mineral water are.

Professor Zanasi, why do we say “mineral” water?
All water present in nature contains dissolved salts. However, natural mineral water differs from tap water because it originates deep down in the earth so it maintains its purity as well as its contents of minerals and trace elements and it has effects on health. Since the law obliges producers to bottle mineral water as soon as it flows from the source and without any modifications, we can rightly define mineral water as an organic product par excellence.

What are nitrates?
High concentrations of nitrates are a sign of pollution. The law that regulates mineral water admits a nitrate limit of 45 mg/l. Less than 10 mg/l (Verna water: nitrates <0.5 mg/l) is recommended for children and pregnant women.

How much sodium should water contain?
A low salt intake is the basis of every diet prescribed to a hypertensive subject. It is, therefore, logical, in this case, to check the amount of salt we assume with water, using water with less than 20 mg/l of sodium.

Can we safely drink mineral water?
The law in force has imposed restrictive limits on the producers of bottled mineral water on the possible presence of undesirable substances or contaminants. These limits are generally lower than those that the law imposes on tap water.

What does “microbiologically pure” water mean?
It means that the water does not contain pathogenic microorganisms for humans and it is free of biological agents harmful to the body.

Which container?
The mineral water is bottled as it flows from the source in glass and PET bottles following the highest safety standards so that its original characteristics are preserved. The choice between the different bottles just depends on individual tastes and preferences.